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Aus alten Shirts
und Denims Neue machen

Trash into Fashion: Unser Take Back System

Mitmachen & Gutschein erhalten

Aus alten Shirts
und Denims Neue machen

Trash into Fashion: Unser Take Back System

What ends up in the trash is not gone - it´s just somewhere else. We want to be a better example! We make the most out of your eco-fashion trash. Rejected, forgotten and worn out Eco-Fair Fashion is first turned into recycled fiber, then reinforced with a sustainable fiber in the yarn, and then made into new clothing. We close the circle with high-quality fiber-to-fiber recycling.

And this is how you participate

  1. Send us one or more old ARMEDANGELS t-shirts or denims.
  2. We process the cotton into new high-quality fibers once we collected enough.
  3. From this we make new clothes. And as a thank you you will get a 5-Euro voucher.
Participate & receive Voucher