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Ah, imagine it. A fully circular fashion industry, with the highest environmental and social justice. A future where water, energy and chemicals are regenerated. Where all materials we use and products we sell can be reused and reclaimed.
It’s great to manifest a utopian vision for our industry. But the most important thing is making it happen. We believe that this vision can become reality and not remain a fairytale. We as a company have the responsibility to offer solutions and to take you on this journey with us. We asked @dariadaria, @helenfares, @heylilahey and @louisadellert to support us on this mission and paint a clearer picture how to turn theory into action. Let's close the loop together.
Madeleine Alizadeh, also known as dariadaria, is an entrepreneur, author, influencer and foremost human based in Vienna, Austria. For years her main focus has been to raise awareness on the topics of sustainability, the fast fashion industry, conscious living and human rights.
'Cause we are living in a material world, here’s more material
Mia Marjanović is a psychologist, PR consultant, blogger and YouTuber and meanwhile reports on her channels and in the Fashion Changers magazine about more than "just" fair fashion, but also about veganism, a healthy lifestyle, mindfulness, natural cosmetics, travel and about the topic of sustainability.
More care needed? We took care of it in our Care Guide
Helen Fares is a journalist, activist, presenter, podcaster, and psychology graduate in business. She uses her reach to talk about society, politics and science in addition to music and culture. She believes that the only way we can move forward and evolve positively as a society is to bring about greater empowerment through easy access to education. Through Instagram, the podcasts, documentaries and reportages, she wants to do her part to help people be more thoughtful, careful and loving with their own and others' human and natural resources in the future.
Louisa Dellert is an entrepreneur, presenter and author. For many years, she has been exchanging ideas with people on social media about everything that moves them: environmental protection, equal rights, politics and much more. Time and again, she invites stakeholders and experts to talk about our future and look for solutions.
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