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Wie wir unseren Alltag
plastikfreier gestalten können

Small changes can make a big difference if only enough people change their habits. Here are some simple ways to reduce your plastic footprint on the planet.


How we can make our everyday lives
more plastic-free

Small changes can make a big difference if only enough people change their habits. Here are some simple ways to reduce your plastic footprint on the planet.

Shopping without plastic bags

Avoid single-use plastic bags when grocery shopping and replace them with paper bags, reusable fruit and vegetable bags or simply don't use bags at all. This simple change will help protect our oceans, reduce waste, conserve resources and protect wildlife. Let go - go for loose fruit and vegetables!

With natural fabrics such as linen

Natural fabrics such as cotton, wool and linen are breathable, soft, timeless and, above all, free from harmful microplastics. Switching to natural materials is not necessarily a task that can be done in one day, start in small steps and gradually add more sustainable clothing to your wardrobe. This is not only good for our planet and your health, but also for your looks!

Paper cups also make waste

Anyone who loves coffee will understand: Not much happens in our brains before we've had our first sip in the morning. So it seems unfair to suggest changing our habits during this dull time of the day. But even your choice of cup has a big impact on the billions of disposable cups that end up in landfills and pollute our environment. Your reusable cup should become a daily reminder that you are making a difference. Even at 7am, before your first coffee.

Small changes from A to Z

We love the 3 Rs and right now they are more important than ever - especially when it comes to plastic. Reducing the plastic products we buy is the first important step. Choose plastic-free clothes made from natural fibers instead of synthetic ones. Plastic lasts almost forever: use this to your advantage and reuse plastic products as often as possible. Finally, make sure your plastic waste is properly prepared for recycling and delivered to the right collection point.

Can you wash more sustainably?

It's easy to feel clean and fresh without harming the environment. Avoid disposable products in the bathroom and look out for brands that offer soaps, hair care and shaving foam in solid form and in more environmentally friendly packaging. Why not make your own care products from time to time? It's super easy and more fun than you think!

Reduce the paw print of your pets

Show your pets that you really love them and remove plastic from their lives too. Reduce your pets' “pawprint” simply by switching to plastic-free toys and food. Choose toys made from wood, rope, hemp or other more sustainable materials. Buy food made from recyclable cans and dry food in bulk. Or treat your loved ones to something special and visit your local butcher for meat, bones and trimmings to make your own food.

Party? Yes! But without plastic

Celebrate your plastic freedom with a party: use reusable decorations or borrow party supplies from friends and neighbors. Avoid glitter and balloons (both are overrated and easily end up in our waterways). Or offer your decorations to others after a great party. Create a “party box” for everyone to use and have a permanent plastic-free party!

Our plastic free styles for you

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Our Mission

Made to make a difference

Our mission is simple. Make products people love that are the least harmful to the planet and enable people to fight climate change by changing lifestyles.