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In support of
ARMEDANGELS + SOS HUMANITY join forces with artist GABE for a limited-edition T to benefit and promote #humanityforall
SOS HUMANITY is a civil maritime rescue organization committed to ensuring that no person drowns while fleeing. As such, they strive for a world in which everyone is treated with dignity and enjoys the same basic human rights. By joining forces, we’re amplifying our joint mission and values, which include social justice and equality, and raising awareness for a crucial issue: advocating for humanity at sea. Our partnership allows us and our partners to provide support, while making a difference beyond our core business – going, proudly, beyond products to make real change happen.
The climate crisis is a human crisis, and disaster displacement is one of its most devastating consequences. More than 101 million people are displaced from their homes worldwide. The number of refugees is higher than ever before. They are fleeing from war, persecution, and the impacts of the climate crisis. Climate change exacerbates conflicts, environmental disasters, poverty, and famines, driving more and more people to seek refuge. Often, it is the poorest regions that are most affected, despite contributing the least to global emissions. In just the first five months of 2023, over 1,000 people drowned in the Mediterranean Sea while attempting to cross it (UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency | UNHCR). This underscores that climate justice is not just an isolated ecological struggle; it is a fight for humanity.
We’ve joined forces with SOS HUMANITY and artist GABE to create a limited-edition artist T to benefit and promote #humanityforall – a campaign to end people drowning while fleeing at sea. As part of the collaboration, we’re donating all profits from T-shirt sales to SOS HUMANITY.
SOS HUMANITY is a non-governmental maritime rescue organization, founded in 2015. Its goal is to ensure that no one drowns while fleeing across the Mediterranean Sea. With their ships, currently the Humanity 1, SOS HUMANITY has already saved 35,673 children, women, and men from drowning, provided them with care on board, and brought them to a safe location on land.
Gabriel Holzner, aka GABE, is a multidisciplinary graphic artist from the South of Germany. His work draws inspiration from his early youth growing up in the '90s – from European comics, graffiti to the Berlin-based magazine »Lodown«. Working across a broad variety of canvases, GABE‘s artworks can be found everywhere from city walls and art prints to paintings and even basketball courts. Here’s what he had to say about our collaboration:
How was the design creation process?
At the core of my process for this project was the celebration of humanity’s diversity with the #humanityforall T-shirt.
Is there a message behind the graphic? / What’s the message behind the graphic?
Most of my artworks are based on the figurative. I try to use a very reduced visual language that still carries something human to connect with. In this case, I worked with an artwork of mine called “Hope” and made a variation of it. It captures the concept of “humanity for all” by integrating various colored shapes within the figure.
How did you like the creation process of this artwork for this special topic? Was it different to your usual work?
This project had a clear message or idea as its foundation, so it was about finding the best possible artwork for this concept and medium. In the past, I have created many concept-based works and also lots of T-shirt art, so I feel it was a very natural process.
How did the collaboration with SOS HUMANITY start?
The collaboration with SOS HUMANITY was kicked off by Gianna approaching me some time ago. She found my work on Instagram and thought I might be interested in becoming a part of that project. I respect the work of SOS HUMANITY so much and being able to support them by creating an artwork is an amazing thing. The fact that they are collaborating with ARMEDANGELS for this project, with their history in sustainable, fair fashion, made it a no-brainer for me to be involved.
How can this T-shirt support SOS HUMANITY in their work? Why do you think their work and creating awareness for this topic is important?
I hope this T-shirt will at least be a small contribution that enables SOS HUMANITY to do their important work and draw attention to the ongoing, inhumane situation in the Mediterranean Sea. With society’s focus constantly shifting to the next catastrophe – an unfortunate reality that, among other things, is rooted in racist structures – I hope this collaboration helps a little in rebuilding awareness.
100% Profits
To Fight For
Join our fight for a greener, more equitable future and stand in solidarity with SOS HUMANITY and #humanityforall
Let’s make a difference together!.
SOS HUMANITY was founded in 2015 as a non-governmental search and rescue organization. It is committed to ensuring that no person drowns while fleeing. With their ships, currently the ‘Humanity 1’, SOS HUMANITY has already saved 35,673 people from drowning, provided them with assistance on board, and brought them to a safe location on land.
The following list outlines how different donation amounts make a significant difference in various impactful ways – all of which supporting SOS HUMANITY’s mission of providing vital assistance to those in need:
The line on the T-shirt reads: “Humanity is all nationalities, skin colors, religions and genders: humanity knows no borders.” We believe humanity transcends all barriers to embrace and uplift all people, including all religions, sexual preferences, gender identities, sizes, abilities, ethnicities, nationalities, ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, and all other diverse sub-groups within our global community.
The climate crisis is a human crisis, and disaster displacement is one of its most devastating consequences. Every year, more than 20 million people are displaced from their homes because of the effects of the climate crisis. And despite contributing least to global emissions, it’s often the most vulnerable communities that are hit hardest.
Beyond selling a T-shirt, we aim to raise awareness for an issue that remains unfamiliar to many: the humanitarian crisis of refugee displacement as a direct or indirect result of the climate crisis – be it rising sea levels, natural disasters, droughts or man-made war and resource conflicts. We stand with all refugees. Instead of silently donating, our intention is to be loud, make an impact and create a movement that reaches as many people as possible. Exactly why we not only contribute 100% of our T-shirt sales to SOS HUMANITY, but also amplify awareness and advocate for those whose voices go unheard.
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